
My head hurts thus short recap of why you should laugh at me:

For once it actually was raining here. it wasn’t hard, but enough for me to keep my windows mostly closed on the way to work. after a little while of being there, i’m walking around and notice the sky is quite dark. while standing in my bosses office, it starts to pour. i comment that i hope that no one has their windows down. after grabbing what i have to work on, i walk into my office… only to exclaim, “oh, crap! mine are down!”. out of the building i hurriedly hobble and into the downpour. well, i closed my windows… and ended up very soaked. well, my boss was worried that maybe being absolutely soaked in an air conditioned environment would produce negative results so she was even nice enough to go and track down some dry clothes for me (hell, that’s more than my mom would do…). it was very nice. so i found the dryer and dried my clothes and was dressed as a janitor in the mean time. it seemed to entertain the people around me. after clothes were dry, all was good again. Moral: don’t be a dumbass and run into the rain without an umbrella without a dry set of clothes.

Um… my head hurts a bit… i hope that wednesday is a good day. Friday i go to a specialist because i aparently don’t have kidney stones… i have something probably very rare and worse… damn it.

and i gotta get to studying more for my php exam. it’s next friday… we shall see.

brain pains drive me away.