Not written on a BlackBerry

Note to self: you can’t write blog posts from your blackberry. I tried once. It was a little overview of my mac mini. Yes, i have a mac mini and it’s impressive. I might even write about it again. We’ll see.

Latest little project has been playing with phpBB 2.1.2 (the pre alpha stage of phpBB3. you have to grab a cvs snapshot to play with it at the moment). It breaks during install. I hacked that into working and have since found a few more errors. After I get mine completely set up, I’ll post all of my hacks to make it run.

On another note, there’s a new mix from S. Zeilenga on the mirror here. It’s a really nice mix. Be on the look out for a new one from Cardamar later this week or next also. Cardamar Music is going to have a limited release of Xerxes latest album, the mirror formula, in march. It’s more ambiant than Cardamar, but is far from boring. It’s a beautiful album.

I have more work to get done. Will update more later.


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