Mac things that I forgot (or just did)

I forgot a couple things on my last post (that i split onto another page because it’s … long). I also did a couple more things.

I forgot to mention auto-updates.  Windows gives you choices on how you want these to work.  Mac says that notifying you by having the update manager bounce in the bottom of the screen is the best way. It is the way that i like my auto-updates, but a choice would be nice.  and the bouncing icon just makes me think of the happynowhere apple switch movie.

I was thinking of reformatting my mac to get all the unix tools installed in the right order and such, so i went to look through what i had for software.  I found two things strange: i have a more up to date version of iLife (media stuff) on a disc in the box… and no disc for appleworks. Hm… well, i can update iLife safely i guess. Well, that’s what i thought.  It took about a half hour to install (there might have been a lot, so that’s not what annoyed me) and then killed my dock menu (that did). Now, the doc menu is a pretty useful little thing to have running so you can get to your applications easily… and minimize… and more things than you might have thought.  Considering finder was still running and i couldn’t see any easy way to start the dock again, i rebooted.  this fixed it, but it shouldn’t have happened. but now i have iWeb!

iWeb is a web page designer… more or less.  I have to say more or less because it seems more like a “edit these templates” program than an actual designer.  You still have to go to dreamweaver or… some program that i don’t know about to get a full designer, but let’s look at this one. It is pretty easy to use for editting those built in templates.  Even adding your own content isn’t that hard from the little buttons at the bottom of the page.  The problem comes from what you create.  Is it standards compliant? Oh yes and I LOVE it. Well… if they weren’t so tag-happy.  No tables.  This is good.  There were so many div’s though.  I mean like 30-40 divs on an about me page. That seems extreme, but a lot of them were for content that I didn’t enter.  But the content i did enter… was all just put in divs.  It seemed to me to be exactly how dreamweaver does “layers” which are absolutely positioned div’s.  All of them were.  Even what i thought and could have sworn was a list was a list with a div in it to hold a span.  You see, you must have a span for all text entered.  Oh and i swear they never heard of how you use a style sheet. They have classes for everything programmed in for divs, but nothing for a span. well… at least some of it is smart. so why don’t you just class the list to include the span and div… gah.

so it could use work.  there is also no way to get to the code and it isn’t great for from scratch. good start though.