Hey, I looked around a bit and got rid of tiny-mce. I’m so much happier. It’s a great feature, but if it would just stop helping me for once, I would be a lot happier. now if only I hadn’t just editted that one post that had php tags in it… oh well. i could fix it later if anyone cared.
I changed my template’s dtd to refer to xhtml strict instead of transitional. I never really noticed until i went and did a bit of validating. I’m happier this way. Standards are very useful though they still seem to be resisted. Why can’t you just throw an <i> tag in the middle of your code? (The discussion goes something like this for those types of questions:
What is that i actually doing? If it’s to mark a title, that would actually permit it. I misspoke to someone earlier: they are not depreciated, they are not encouraged though. Generally, you use tags to explain what the text is. Bolding something doesn’t explain that it’s important. em or strong would because those are emphasis. It all has to do with purpose of the code).
Oh and my mac made me angry. The wireless isn’t that good (at least doens’t seem very fast) as far as I can tell. my laptop stays connected perfectly and windows repings for available networks. since i couldn’t remote connect to my main desktop, i couldn’t stand to be using it as much. and it had no bass in its sound. annoyed me. i now vnc back into it to use it.
i also kind of want to play around with skyos but don’t want to invest the thirty dollars for it. It’s not compatible with anything. I kind of would like to have vida linux set up as well… but there’s not really a reason for that. It’s gentoo… just I don’t have to recompile. That means that I would only care to install in on something like my athlon xp. Whatever. Windows has the most programs available and does more than everything I need. And the new messenger 8 beta is really nice too.