More music!

Ah, yesterday was a grand day.  I acquired new music from two sources.  First a bit from S. Zeilenga and then that cd I was looking at from Felix Laband.  So how were they?

The release from S. Zeilenga is different from most that I’ve heard.  It really is a different, ambient piece. A nice piece with a nice feel that really is foggy.  It’s slower and has a bit of an organic feel (of which I enjoy when done right).  I somewhat expected a bit more excitement but was not disappointed by this different piece.  I recommend that people have a listen even if you are drawn away from ambient for the most part. It is ambient and still may not be to your taste, but it is quite good ambient.  And it is very nicely named "Fog and Other Elements."

Now for Felix. I actually downloaded this from iTunes and not because I ever have used the service or anything. It was because to order the cd from the link below would have been 13 euros for the cd and 11 euros to ship which comes out to 28.59 USD.  I downloaded the album,  Dark Days Exit, for 9.99 USD.  It was well worth the cost. It starts with some of the best use of bass I have seen in ambient/chill out music. This is not traditional ambient.  I would call it more of chill out. It is more of a blend. I can say that there is a definite style that I have never heard before and would love to hear again. S. Zeilenga has his own style. Budha Building has his own style as well. Felix Laband is amongst these artists who do not compose to a style, they make their own. The bass is awesome when utilized by Felix as well as the very small amount of vocals. They work to compliment the music masterfully. I cannot say that all the tracks have this awesome feel to them.  Unfortunately some become a bit mundane, but then are followed by a new aspect of style. It’s subtle, but there are organic elements added to some of the tracks that really work for flair (and not in the Office Space way.  This is good work). The CD progresses to bring both the bass and the organic feel together in one track, but only bits of both worlds appear. Each track is to itself a work. It is somewhat unfortunate that the tracks do not blend together into an overall feel, but I would have to argue that we as listeners may not be able to experience all of the emotions that Felix Laband has so well expressed throughout the various tracks. The last five minutes of music leave you with such a good taste of the music and desire for more that I can only hope that there will be more and sooner than later.  This is a hair from Superb. Go download it on iTunes. You won’t be disappointed. (I see this music as being similar at times to Lemon Jelly’s acoustic feel, Budha Building’s organic tones, and someone skilled in bass techniques (can’t think of example) but at spots. There is a variety)