And music is contained in this post. The two big topics are Boards of Canada – Trans Canada Highway and some new mixes I’ve stumbled upon.
BoC’s new cd isn’t supposed to release until June 6, but preordering paid off since I got mine yesterday (actually was shipped a week prior). It’s a short EP, but it is still pretty impressive. Dayvan Cowboy appears here as well, but I love the track so I don’t mind. The tracks in the middle follow the more recent and more aggressive style of BoC seen on The Campfire Headphase. I love that style but can hear some of the slower and bass-ful track style that I think was most prevalant on Boc Maxima (or maybe that was Geogaddi… I get those two mixed up since I got them both at the same time). I think it’s a wonderful ep that is completely worth the cost. Warp Records is the producer. Visit that link to find and purchase. Warp also has a downloads site, but I cannot remember the address.
If you listen to‘s chillout channel, you might have caught a mix or two from Helix. I was interested, so I tracked down his music page. All of his mixes as well as some from a couple others are listed there. It looks interesting, but getting the downloads can be a bit annoying. I will probably contact him soon and propose adding the mixes to my mirror. The mirror listing might also might undergo an overhaul to add pagenation. We will see.