Silly Kiddie, Tricks are for Smart Ones

Ok, so would the script kiddie who is trying to use as a bounce point please stop? You should try to spoof another email address so it doesn’t just seem odd for me to be emailing myself with a .com file attachment. Also, basically every windows email scanner will just freak out at any com attachment (i’m on my mac so it wouldn’t even mean anything to the computer if my server didn’t return an error).

I’ve been hit with it twice tonight. It is acting like its using outlook express. It seems like that might actually be the kids ip (it’s an asian ip) since his english is pretty poor. Also, the standard trick to attachments is to name it something like so it will still execute, but the person thinks it’s a txt file. Please at least get up to snuff about your spoofing (although i guess using the postmaster name from my account should mean that quad341 isn’t the administrator because obviously the administrator wouldn’t have his name the same as the domain.)

I think I used to have some other email addresses posted like “authors” and such. at least send it there, please. Thanks!