I’ve always tinkered with media players and so forth. I was thinking that if I do change servers, I’m probably going to want to run a shoutcast type server for kahvi stuff. I always loved jetCast for that (from jetAudio). It’s not the cleanest, but it’s super easy to edit on the fly and configuration is fast. I was looking into this so I loaded jetAudio again (that and QCD kept dying because of plugins or my massive playlist). Gah! I can’t stop liking this media player. only annoyances I care about are: lack of developer support and plugin documentation (hell, plugin support even if you do hack it. to get a “plugin,” you have to compile it into a separate application) and thus no plugins. this means you have to wait for the developers to integrate what you want. they seem pretty good about it, but I want a plugin for MSNM for what i’m listening to and audioscrobbler. As soon as I get my forum confirmation, I’ll go post on their forum what I want, but I have no idea if it will be integrated. You should try jetAudio if you want a very feature rich media player. You probably don’t need anything from the pro version (which comes free with any cowon/iAudio digital audio players so i have it).
Speaking of server: it’s a pretty good chance that I will be upgrading the server within the next couple weeks. Hopefully that means nothing to anyone else except maybe more features on my site, but it likely means some downtime. That’s ok. I just have to find out exactly what is happening and then try to prepare for it. Should know tomarrow.