Well, I’ve been distracted. I generally think that a post about my cds is now just too late. Here’s a really short description: Psymeditation from Organic Records is some excellent chill that starts of very strong and somewhat dwindles towards the end. It has at least 3 or 4...
Geek stuff
Things for generic tech news and links and the like
Site finally moved…
Well… this transfer didn’t go as smoothly as I had planned. DNS is being annoying. It managed to updated in the about 2 minutes I had it pointing to another ip… so I changed my host file so I could easily post this. Oh well. For the transfer, I...
Stay tuned for the real post…
If anyone keeps up with most of the places I hang around, you may have noticed that I have not been nearly as active in the last week or so as usual. That warning that I “might” be getting a new server is not a might. I am transferring...
Zimbio update, server talk, and Russ has a new site
So title’s are too hard to come up with. Big deal. Now you can tell what this is about a little faster… Anyway, my little addiction (that I could only pray could become something like MySpace for popularity but not evilness) at Zimbio.com has been updated. It’s great. They...
The Zimbio Addiction… and Gentoo Woes
This week has generally sucked. My light has come from the prospects I have seen in Zimbio. I really can say that I am impressed by how well that which has been implemented works. There’s a few bugs that arise, but this is to be expected. The feedback team...
Hey! I can’t think of a good title for this generic idea… so it’s just news. Here goes: There’s this site, Zimbio.com, that is setting up community portals and such. It’s kinda cool except that it is a hard core portal only. This means that there is very little...
What a lovely week
I swear everything has gone wrong once or more. This makes updates a bit slower. Today I finished setting up a fileserver. It’s an old P3 800 (running at 824) with 384 mb pc 100 memory and 3 harddrives. The 15 gb one is where the OS lives and...
More programming (and VLOS 1.3 A4)
Let’s get the painfulness out of the way: VLOS. Now I love VLOS. I really do. It is a very nice improvement to Gentoo with the Gentoo roots that make it powerful. This is why it pains me to talk about VLOS 1.3 A4 that released last Monday. I...
Programming in the mean time and a language comparison
Man do i wish i could get some more coding done. I got to spend a couple hours on it last week sunday. Since then, nothing really. It makes me feel bad that my program/script is not done. It was one of the few I really pushed into the...
Damn you lightning
I’m cursing far too many things. I really should be more positive, but this is just sad: OK, some of you know that a couple years ago, my house was stuck by lightning (or struck close enough to cause MASSIVE problems). It went through basically every wire in the...