What a lovely week

I swear everything has gone wrong once or more. This makes updates a bit slower. Today I finished setting up a fileserver. It’s an old P3 800 (running at 824) with 384 mb pc 100 memory and 3 harddrives. The 15 gb one is where the OS lives and...

More music!

Ah, yesterday was a grand day.  I acquired new music from two sources.  First a bit from S. Zeilenga and then that cd I was looking at from Felix Laband.  So how were they? The release from S. Zeilenga is different from most that I’ve heard.  It really is...

Music and Blogging. What else do I post?

Well, I’ve been noticing my increase in blog activity and realize that maybe  Flock  is a bit more useful to me now.  So of course, I went and downloaded it again (actually the latest hourly build since i’m weird).  I like the improvements they are making.  Sure the hourly...

Nice music

I was listening to Nothing Is As It Seems (mixed by S. Zeilenga) and picked out a very attractive track in my opionion. It is “Whistling in Toungues” by Felix Laband. $0.84 postage to get my order form there and 13 Euros (plus shipping I expect) and a couple...

Musical Interests

A couple things that I found that maybe people who enjoy similar music might like. On di.fm’s chillout channel, you might have heard these.  First i have the mixes by JINN.  I’m not hosting them (for the moment), but I do like them a lot.  They aren’t as wonderful...

New Mix

In an effort to post all additions to the mixes list, here’s the latest: Cardamar has put together an awesome mix called Globespinning.  Between the expert track selection and impressive transitions, this mix should really take you away.  Between the last two additions (of both I really enjoy, don’t...

Kahvi Mix 04: kaen – kahvi collective selection mix

Latest Mix of Kahvi Work. This one is from kaen. Very nice transitions and I do enjoy the tracklist, but as a mix, it’s nothing new. kaen guest mixes a selection of tracks from the archive – none of that simple cross fading with this mix – he creates...

Kahvi Release 162: URL – Berdz Track EP

Review: The release as a whole is not bad, but nothing spactacular. It starts off with some interesting sounds that spark interest, but the first two tracks seem to not really have enough spark or uniqueness to make me notice them from anything else. They were not memorable to...

Kahvi Release 161: Esem – Scateren

Review: The release really starts off strong and keeps on going. It’s so complex yet perfectly balanced between tracks and within. When you follow the play order and just feel what is there, it’s perfect harmony. It’s really a great release and tough for the next artist to live...