I admit that I have not actually posted any of the comparisons of web development as was mentioned in my previous two posts. I apologize for this, but I have come up with what I find to be a reasonable means to actually compare them. What better way is...
Anything having to do with the site itself
Updated theme
Ok, so i updated the theme to please me more. It’s Sodelicious Black with using this photo from pdphoto.org. Leave any comments about the theme or suggestions to do with that ad box on the bottom here.
Running Custom
Well, I have to say, my interests in running the latest and greatest software comes at a price. I’ve taken to running svn releases of WordPress. I don’t exactly have a good reason, but it does seem to make themes not work right. (I tried to use two different...
Webtrends rant
Well, after abandoning my post for updating this for a while, I figure I might want to try Steve Yegge’s suggestion of being more opinionated in my blog. If nothing more, it might generate a bit of hate mail. I’m going to be honest. I enjoy writing web apps....
Dreamhost List AJAX
I noticed that there was some interest on the Dreamhost forums for AJAX to register for lists. I thought this was a good idea, and upon finding no solution, I set out to make one. I admit that both this is not terribly easy to set up nor is...
Internet Woes
I haven’t been able to get online at my house reliably for the past couple days. This is really causing problems with me finishing some stuff (such as uploading one completed project). I apologize for the delays and I’ll try to get one project uploaded and possibly write a...
Tutorials will be delayed again
Somehow I am having a very bad time with electronics. A lot of them around me aren’t cooperating resulting in something breaking. As I try to stay on top of this, other things have been pushed back. I apologize again. I’m not going to give a target date so...
A little delayed…
Ok, so my ajax-foo is no where near where I wanted it to be (though a small error, it was still annoying…). This resulted in the update to chilloutmixes.com taking until earlier today. It is now done and you can subscribe to the list from the main page (the...
The code to set up an announcement list for chilloutmixes.com is basically done. All I have to do it test it and copy and paste some default messages into it. That should be done and active tonight. If I have the time, I should be able to finish the...
Getting distracted again
Ok, so I’ve had a lot of other things to play with (Including a Sidekick 3 and a PS3) which has this tendency to take away my time. I’m also working on getting chilloutmixes.com set up better for announcing new mixes. All of this is taking up my time....