Ok, I need to write a short review for Ulrich Schnauss’s A Strangely Isolated Place as well as Marco Torrance’s Reconstructed Moments (got that Saturday). Also, I set up a new domain for the music mixes that I’ll talk about (though I really should get it properly set up).
Anything having to do with the site itself
DNS Problems?
Ok, something went wacky on the server and it restarted itself last night. Now, for some reason, I can’t seem to get to cardamar.quad341.com. If you are trying to get there, just go to I’ll try to fix later
Walk down Memory Lane
I don’t know how many of you actually saw my first PHP site. It was when I first got the domain quad341.com in 2003. I was working on remaking my school’s web site with a friend and also starting making this site for myself. Everything was written from scratch....
Moved (a little) mirror
Because of some DNS problems (and because i was saving the ip for someone who enlisted in the army), I moved the music mirror’s ip. This means that the url, cardamar.quad341.com, will NOT work for a while (between 5 minutes if you’re lucky to 72 hours if you’re really...
Updates with some music
How good it feels to post again (and not bad news!). Remember how I said I might update the music mirror? Well, I finally got around to doing that. I only changed two things and they both are not really noticable if I don’t point them out. First, I...
Music to my ears…
And music is contained in this post. The two big topics are Boards of Canada – Trans Canada Highway and some new mixes I’ve stumbled upon. BoC’s new cd isn’t supposed to release until June 6, but preordering paid off since I got mine yesterday (actually was shipped a...
Internet Problems
This is a quick post to say that I have basically lost connectivity to the internet except through my blackberry. Email still gets to me and I might turn on google talk if anyone wants to message me. Other than that, no updates will come to any project I...
osCommerce Source
If anyone is looking to set up an online store that supports free shipping and purchases, downloads, an event calendar, visible products without stock, and all the perks of osCommerce, this code is for you. Let me just warn you, though: the zip is kind of big. It’s about...
You’d think I wouldn’t be distracted this much…
Well, I’ve been distracted. I generally think that a post about my cds is now just too late. Here’s a really short description: Psymeditation from Organic Records is some excellent chill that starts of very strong and somewhat dwindles towards the end. It has at least 3 or 4...
Site finally moved…
Well… this transfer didn’t go as smoothly as I had planned. DNS is being annoying. It managed to updated in the about 2 minutes I had it pointing to another ip… so I changed my host file so I could easily post this. Oh well. For the transfer, I...