How good it feels to post again (and not bad news!). Remember how I said I might update the music mirror? Well, I finally got around to doing that. I only changed two things and they both are not really noticable if I don’t point them out. First, I made sure that all of the music is sorted into alphabetical order based on file name (this is the best it can do since there is not database; it is just reading the flat files). The more significant change was pagenation. I thought the page looked a bit long with all of the files listing so I changed the script to split it into pages after 15 entries. As always, the source is available.
When I was listening to, I kept hearing this artist called m-seven. After some googling, I found one album was produced by Oh Records. A bit more googling took me to the producer’s site where I could find the album: only available on beatport and other expensive services. No physical copies. No download sites I knew of and liked the price. Angered, I opened iTunes on my Mac Mini and searched. It was there. $9.99 for a 17 track cd. I definitely made the purchase and was again disgusted by the ease of use and the selection and how good iTunes is (it’s hard to let go of my feelings that Apple is implicitly bad. I probably should before my MacBook gets here).
The music itself is good. Of the 17 tracks, the middle (numbers 8-13) are particularly good. Unfortunately, no part of the cd (called Activate) is really amazing. m-seven could use to tone down or blend the beat more into the song. The melody is nice, but it reminds me too much of trance or house because of the over powering beat. I can’t remember which track, but Xerxes did used a traditional beat in one of his songs on the Mirror Formula, but then blended it into the melody so it became something both minor and consistent with the rest. I think that m-seven could become amazing just by following that little idea. So it’s a good album and more of an upbeat one. Submit to iTunes and purchase.
EDIT: I should warn commenters that putting links (i think 1 is ok) in your comment will make me have to approve it. That is quick as soon as i get near a computer, but hard from a blackberry.
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