I love music. Even when I’ve heard it before, I still like to own it. This week, I made up for not getting a new CD last week by getting two. This week was Jon Hopkins week. Jon is a pretty young artist (23 or 24 I believe) with...
Walk down Memory Lane
I don’t know how many of you actually saw my first PHP site. It was when I first got the domain quad341.com in 2003. I was working on remaking my school’s web site with a friend and also starting making this site for myself. Everything was written from scratch....
Opera update
For all you people who have given in to the superior preformance or just like Opera more, you should be happy to know that Opera 9 full was released some time ago. I finally got around to updating my main computer. You may want to move your profile from...
Sickness and Surgury
So I didn’t get around to that update. Big deal. And the worst part is, this isn’t it either. Well, so you all are informed, I recently have bought 2 Pete Namlook cds (well, 1 from iTunes) and 1 Tetsu Inuoe cd. They are Silence, Air, and Zenith respectively....
Short Update
Again, not feeling great, but that is to be expected out of my body. I’m programming about 7 hours per day if not more so my public code will only really change on the weekends when i feel up to it. On the music front, Cardamar has put together...
Updates with some music
How good it feels to post again (and not bad news!). Remember how I said I might update the music mirror? Well, I finally got around to doing that. I only changed two things and they both are not really noticable if I don’t point them out. First, I...
Music to my ears…
And music is contained in this post. The two big topics are Boards of Canada – Trans Canada Highway and some new mixes I’ve stumbled upon. BoC’s new cd isn’t supposed to release until June 6, but preordering paid off since I got mine yesterday (actually was shipped a...
You’d think I wouldn’t be distracted this much…
Well, I’ve been distracted. I generally think that a post about my cds is now just too late. Here’s a really short description: Psymeditation from Organic Records is some excellent chill that starts of very strong and somewhat dwindles towards the end. It has at least 3 or 4...
Stay tuned for the real post…
If anyone keeps up with most of the places I hang around, you may have noticed that I have not been nearly as active in the last week or so as usual. That warning that I “might” be getting a new server is not a might. I am transferring...
Hey! I can’t think of a good title for this generic idea… so it’s just news. Here goes: There’s this site, Zimbio.com, that is setting up community portals and such. It’s kinda cool except that it is a hard core portal only. This means that there is very little...