I can’t call this a full fledged review because I don’t have anything set up to really review the new features. At first glance, the improvements seem small. They are not by any means. CVS/Subversion has been integrated. If you happen to be working on a server with this...
Zend Studio 5
It’s officially out of beta! Latest and greatest version of Zend Studio is available. You can go and see a list of the enhancements on the linked page. I’ll download it and try it out later and then write up whether someone whose liscense ran out should re-up. (I...
Kahvi Mix 04: kaen – kahvi collective selection mix
Latest Mix of Kahvi Work. This one is from kaen. Very nice transitions and I do enjoy the tracklist, but as a mix, it’s nothing new. kaen guest mixes a selection of tracks from the archive – none of that simple cross fading with this mix – he creates...
Kahvi Release 162: URL – Berdz Track EP
Review: The release as a whole is not bad, but nothing spactacular. It starts off with some interesting sounds that spark interest, but the first two tracks seem to not really have enough spark or uniqueness to make me notice them from anything else. They were not memorable to...
Annoying Spammers
Well, since spammers don’t bother to actually read posts that are set for them, comments require an account. At least it will be easier to keep track of comments this way. This also only requires me to change a checkbox and not write any code. Sorry to anyone this...
Spammers, Please read. Rest, Just skip first paragraph
Again to spammers: I will allow you to have your own personal link as your website. Hell, you can even say something along the lines of “Nice site. Check out mine.” with or without ONE link to your site but not with an ad for it. If I continue...
Driver Swerves to Miss Cat, But Hits 36 Kids
Thirty-six children and a woman were injured Thursday afternoon when a car mowed into a line of nursery school children in the city of Shizuoka after its 59-year-old driver swerved to dodge a cat, local police said. Q: Priorities seem ok to me. read more | digg story
Old Habbits
I’ve always tinkered with media players and so forth. I was thinking that if I do change servers, I’m probably going to want to run a shoutcast type server for kahvi stuff. I always loved jetCast for that (from jetAudio). It’s not the cleanest, but it’s super easy to...
ok, there are many free email sites available and I know all spammers have their own email accounts SO either humor me and make your email look real or i’m putting on e-mail confirmation on all comments. Thanks for spamming.
Bye Flock
Well, I put in my time with Flock. I tested and left feedback for the developers. Now I’m back in Opera. I like it here. It’s stable, renders things, has most of what I want built in. I miss some of the features of Firefox… but I’ll deal. Hell,...