Mmmm… Music (Hopkins Week)

I love music. Even when I’ve heard it before, I still like to own it. This week, I made up for not getting a new CD last week by getting two. This week was Jon Hopkins week. Jon is a pretty young artist (23 or 24 I believe) with...

My Theory on Spam

(Let’s hope my internet connection doesn’t die while i’m doing this…) As I previously stated, I have gotten a bunch of emails from a few different hosts. They all obviously have something in common, but I cannot be sure what. The content is similar, but ips never correspond and...

Spam and damn

First, you can be amused by the fact that I just complimented my MacBook… and had to reformat it last night. Note to users: don’t put your computer to sleep (close lid) when it’s doing an update of the operating system. I’d love to send that message to apple,...

Opera update

For all you people who have given in to the superior preformance or just like Opera more, you should be happy to know that Opera 9 full was released some time ago. I finally got around to updating my main computer. You may want to move your profile from...

Moved (a little) mirror

Because of some DNS problems (and because i was saving the ip for someone who enlisted in the army), I moved the music mirror’s ip. This means that the url,, will NOT work for a while (between 5 minutes if you’re lucky to 72 hours if you’re really...

Sickness and Surgury

So I didn’t get around to that update. Big deal. And the worst part is, this isn’t it either. Well, so you all are informed, I recently have bought 2 Pete Namlook cds (well, 1 from iTunes) and 1 Tetsu Inuoe cd. They are Silence, Air, and Zenith respectively....

Short Update

Again, not feeling great, but that is to be expected out of my body. I’m programming about 7 hours per day if not more so my public code will only really change on the weekends when i feel up to it. On the music front, Cardamar has put together...

Life gets you

Some bad stuff has recently happened in my life so a lot is being delayed. I appologize. I’ll try to get back on track soon. Oh and Opera 9 beta 2 passes the ACID 2 test. I find this great. The widgets are kind of neat as well. You...